Connected Sites
ESnet directly supports the research of tens of thousands of Department of Energy scientists at over 50 national laboratories, user facilities, and other scientific instruments, as well as connects them to more than 270 other research and education (R&E) and commercial networks worldwide.
The DOE Office of Science oversees these 10 national laboratories, which are all directly connected to ESnet:
AMES | Ames Laboratory | (Ames, IA) |
ANL | Argonne National Laboratory | (Argonne, IL) |
BNL | Brookhaven National Laboratory | (Upton, NY) |
FNAL | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory | (Batavia, IL) |
JLAB | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility | (Newport News, VA) |
LBNL | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | (Berkeley, CA) |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | (Oak Ridge, TN) |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | (Richland, WA) |
PPPL | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory | (Princeton, NJ) |
SLAC | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center | (Stanford, CA) |
Overall, ESnet serves the following sites and research and development projects:
AMES | Ames Laboratory (Ames, IA) |
ANL * | Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne, IL) |
BNL * | Brookhaven National Laboratory (Upton, NY) |
CERN * | European Organization for Nuclear Research (Meyrin, Switzerland) |
DOE-BSO | Department of Energy, Office of Science - Berkeley Site Office (Berkeley, CA) |
DOE-EM-SRS | Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Management at Savannah River Site (Aiken, SC) |
DOE-FORRESTAL | Department of Energy - Forrestal (Washington, DC) |
DOE-FSO | Department of Energy, Office of Science - Fermi Site Ofice (Batavia, IL) |
DOE-GMTN | Department of Energy - Germantown (Germantown, MD) |
DOE-NNSA | Department of Energy - National Nuclear Security Administration (Germantown, MD) |
DOE-NNSA-SC | Department of Energy - National Nuclear Security Administration - Albuquerque Service Center (Albuquerque, NM) |
DOE-OSO | Department of Energy, Office of Science - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Site Office (Oak Ridge, TN) |
DOE-SSO | Department of Energy, Office of Science - SLAC Site Office (Stanford, CA) |
ETTP | East Tennessee Technology Park (Oak Ridge, TN) |
FNAL * | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia, IL) |
GA | General Atomics (San Diego, CA) |
INL | Idaho National Laboratory (Idaho Falls, ID) |
JGI | Joint Genome Institute (Walnut Creek, CA) |
JLAB | Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Newport News, VA) |
KCP | Kansas City Plant (Kansas City, MO) |
KCP-ALBQ | Kansas City Plant, Site Ofc. at Kirtland AFB (Albuquerque, NM) |
LANL * | Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos, NM) |
LANL-DC | Los Alamos National Laboratory - Washington DC Ofc. (Washington, DC) |
LBNL * | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley, CA) |
LIGO | Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (Hanford, WA) |
LLNL * | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Livermore, CA) |
LLNL-DC | Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Washington DC Ofc (Washington, DC) |
LNS | Laboratory for Nuclear Science at MIT (Cambridge, MA) |
LVOC | Livermore Valley Open Campus (Livermore, CA) |
MSRI | Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley, CA) |
NGA-SW | National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency - Southwest (White Sands, NM) |
NIARC | NNSA Information Assurance Response Center (Las Vegas, NV) |
NNSS | Nevada National Security Site (Las Vegas, NV) |
NPS | Naval Postgraduate School (Berkeley, CA) |
NREL | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Golden, CO) |
ORAU | Oak Ridge Associated Universities (Oak Ridge, TN) |
ORNL * | Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, TN) |
OSF | Oakland Scientific Facility, home of NERSC (Oakland, CA) |
OSTI | Office of Scientific and Technical Information (Oak Ridge, TN) |
PANTEX | Pantex Plant (Amarillo, TX) |
PNNL | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Richland, WA) |
PNNL-OSTI | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Laboratory Office at OSTI (Oak Ridge, TN) |
PPPL | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (Princeton, NJ) |
PRINCETON | Princeton University, Office of Science projects |
PSFC | Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT (Cambridge, MA) |
SLAC * | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (Stanford, CA) |
SNL-CA | Sandia National Laboratories - California (Livermore, CA) |
SNL-DC | Sandia National Laboratories - Washington DC Ofc (Washington, DC) |
SNL-NM | Sandia National Laboratories - New Mexico (Albuquerque, NM) |
SREL | Savannah River Ecology Laboratory (Aiken, SC) |
SRS | Savannah River Site (Aiken, SC) |
Y-12 | Y12 National Security Complex (Oak Ridge, TN) |
Virtual Organizations: | |
ATLAS | A Toroidal LHC Apparatus (ATLAS) - LHC particle physics experiment at CERN (Meyrin, Switzerland) |
CMS | Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) - LHC particle physics experiment at CERN (Meyrin, Switzerland) |
UCSD | University of California, San Diego - LHC Tier 2 site |
* As of February 2015, site has 100Gbps connection to ESnet.