
ESnet 2022 Publications & Presentations

Compiled for ESnet's 2022 Operational Assessment Report

Technical Presentations:

  1. Buraglio, Nick, Scott Campbell, Mariam Kiran, “Using Deep Learning to Improve Data Transfers for WAN" (technical presentation, the Asia Pacific Advanced Network [APAN 53] Conference, AI-Driven Networks Working Group, Dhaka, Bangladesh, March 2022).
  2. Buraglio, Nick, Scott Campbell, Mariam Kiran, “AI/ML-Based Path Optimization" (virtual technical presentation, GÉANT 2nd Performance Management Workshop, March 2022).
  3. Buraglio, Nick, Scott Campbell, Mariam Kiran, “Data Driven, Machine Learning Dynamic Path Optimization" (technical presentation, ESnet Cyberinfrastructure Engineering Lunch & Learn Series, Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, CA, January 2022).
  4. Buraglio, Nick, Chris Cummings, “Building a Realistic Orchestration Validation Environment for netwoRks (ROVER)” (technical presentation, TNC22/GÉANT Conference, Trieste, Italy, June 2022).
  5. Buraglio, Nick, “Unintended Operational Issues With ULA Presentation” (technical presentation, Internet Engineering Task Force [IETF114] Conference, V6Ops Network Working Group, Philadelphia, PA, July 2022).
  6. Buraglio, Nick, “Using Unique Local Addressing (ULA) in IPv6 Enterprise Networks” (technical presentation, India Internet Engineering Society [IIES], IPv6 Deployment at Enterprises Webinar Series, October 27, 2022).
  7. Buraglio, Nick, “IPv6 Deployment Fundamentals” (virtual technical presentation, University of Illinois Tech Series, November 2022).
  8. Campbell, Scott, Sam Oehlert, Cody Rotermund, Zach Harlen, "WAN Blackhole Routing Service" (technical presentation, ESnet Site Coordination Committee [ESCC], July 2022).
  9. Dart, Eli, "The Science DMZ: Strategic Future" (technical presentation, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California [CENIC] conference, Monterey, CA, September 2022).
  10. Gore, Brooklin, Paul Porter, “The CMDB Powering Service Management for DOE’s Science Network” (technical presentation, National Laboratories Information Technology Summit, Albuquerque, NM, October 2022).
  11. Kiran, Mariam, Jason Zurawski, "Introductory and Advanced Topics on P4 Programmable Data Plane Switches Workshop" (virtual technical presentation, Cyberinfrastructure Lab, University of South Carolina, June 2022).
  12. Kiran, Mariam, Jason Zurawski, “Data Mobility Exhibition" (virtual technical presentation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration ([NOAA] 2022 N-Wave Joint Engineering & Technical Interchange Annual Meeting, August 2022).
  13. Kiran, Mariam, Engineering 5G-enabled Self-Driving Facilities” (virtual technical presentation. Department of Energy Cross Cutting Initiatives [XCI], May 2022.
  14. Kiran, Mariam, “Special Session on Challenges in Ai for Self-Driving Facilities” (technical presentation, Fall 2022 Monterey Data Conference, Monterey, CA, August 2022).
  15. Kiran, Mariam, “5G for Science” (technical presentation, 2022 Department of Energy [DOE] Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference, Portland, OR, June 2022).
  16. Kiran, Mariam, “5G multi-WAN” (technical presentation, OpenAirInterface North American Workshop, San Diego, CA, November 2022).
  17. Kissel, Ezra, Charles Shiflett, "Janus Container Management and the EScp Data Mover" (Department of Energy booth demonstration, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis [SC22], Dallas, TX, November 2022).
  18. Lehman, Tom, Xi Yang, “SC22 Network Research Exhibition, SC22-NRE-15, SENSE and Rucio/FTS/XRootD Interoperation” (technical presentation, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis [SC22], Dallas, TX, November 2022).
  19. Lehman, Tom, Xi Yang, “SC22 Network Research Exhibition SC22-NRE-13, AutoGOLE/SENSE: End-to-End Network Services and Workflow Integration” (technical presentation, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis [SC22], Dallas, TX, November 2022).
  20. Miller, Ken, Jason Zurawski, "ESnet: Sharing Research Should Be as Easy as Turning On a Faucet" (article, The Quilt Circle digital magazine, January 2022, Seattle, WA:
  21. Miller, Ken, "Data Mobility - in 5 Minutes!" (technical presentation, Globus World 2022, Chicago, IL, May 2022).
  22. Miller, Ken, Eli Dart, "Data Mobility Testing Framework" (technical presentation, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California [CENIC] Annual Meeting 2022, Monterey, CA, September 2022).
  23. Monga, Inder, Erhan Saglamyurek, Wenji Wu, “Quantum Networking for Distributed Computing Application” (technical presentation, Cisco Quantum Summit, San Jose, CA, October 2022).
  24. Monga, Inder, Erhan Saglamyurek, Wenji Wu, “Quantum Communication: A Physical Experiment or a Network Paradigm Shift?” (technical presentation, 9th Annual International Workshop on Innovating the Network for Data-Intense Science [INDIS], Dallas, TX, November 2022).
  25. Monga, Inder, Erhan Saglamyurek, Wenji Wu, “A Quantum Network Testbed Over Deployed Fibers at Berkeley (technical presentation, Third Workshop For Quantum Repeaters and Networks, Chicago, IL, August 2022).
  26. Robb, George, Ken Miller, Jason Zurawski, Brenna Meade, "BGP Basics/Routing Security" (technical presentation, Modern Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management workshop, New York, NY, September 2022).
  27. Robb, George, Ken Miller, Jason Zurawski, Brenna Meade, "perfSONAR/Measurement” (technical presentation, Modern Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management workshop, New York , NY, September 2022).
  28. Robb, George, Ken Miller, Jason Zurawski, Brenna Meade, "Science DMZ Security Policy" (technical presentation, Modern Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management workshop, New York, NY, September 2022).
  29. Robb, George, Ken Miller, Jason Zurawski, Brenna Meade, "Science DMZ Architecture" (technical presentation, Modern Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management workshop, New York, NY, September 2022).
  30. Robb, George, Ken Miller, Jason Zurawski, Brenna Meade, “Data Transfer Hardware" (technical presentation, Modern Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management workshop, New York, NY, September 2022).
  31. Wiedlea, Andrew, “Exploring the Wireless Edge for Science: What Does that Mean for Us?” (technical presentation, 2022 Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California [CENIC] Annual Meeting, Monterey, CA, September 2022).
  32. Wiedlea, Andrew, “Co-Design: Advancing ESnet6 Services to Match Technology” (technical presentation, Society for Science User Research Facilities [SSURF], December 2022).
  33. Wiedlea, Andrew, “ESnet Technology Showcase, Advanced Wireless Research Underway” (technical presentation, ESnet User Meeting, Confab22, Berkeley, CA, October 2022).
  34. Wu, Wenji, Chin Guok, Anna Giannakou, “Real-Time Network Monitoring for Scientific Workflows” (technical presentation, 2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange [TechEX22], Denver, CO, December 2022).
  35. Yang, Xi, “ESnet and Future Networking Research: Co-designing the network with the sensor” (technical panel discussion, ESnet User Meeting, Confab22, Berkeley, CA, October 2022).
  36. Yang, Xi, Tom Lehman, “ESnet Technology Showcase: SENSE” (technical panel discussion, ESnet User Meeting, Confab22, Berkeley, CA, October 2022).
  37. Yang, Xi, Tom Lehman, “FABRIC & Your Campus” (technical presentation, KNIT 5: A FABRIC Community Workshop, Chicago, IL, September 2022).
  38. Zurawski, Jason, Brenna Meade, Hans Addleman, “Routing, Buffers, and Network Performance, Oh My” (technical presentation, University of South Carolina Programmable Networks Training, Columbia, SC, February 2022).
  39. Zurawski, Jason, Doug Southworth “NetSage, EPOC, and SoX” (virtual technical presentation, SoX Engineering Meeting, February 2022).
  40. Zurawski, Jason, “EPOC Support of the NSF CI Ecosystem” (technical presentation, Cyberinfrastructure for NSF Major Facilities Workshop, Redondo Beach, CA, March 2022). 
  41. Zurawski, Jason, “EPOC Overview(virtual technical presentation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] N-Wave Stakeholders & Science Engagement Summit, March 2022.
  42. Zurawski, Jason, Ken Miller, “Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC) Overview and Functions'' (virtual technical presentation, Pennsylvania State University Research State of the Practice Group, March 2022).
  43. Zurawski, Jason, Ken Miller,  “Engagement and Performance Operations Center: Data Mobility Exhibition (DME)” (virtual technical presentation, 2022 Quilt Winter Member Meeting, March 2022).
  44. Zurawski, Jason, Doug Southworth, Ken Miller, "Introduction to perfSONAR(virtual technical presentation, NYSERnet, University of South Carolina, and EPOC Hands-on Workshop on Networking Topics, April 2022).
  45. Zurawski, Jason, Ken Miller, "An overview of Science DMZs and Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs)” (virtual technical presentation, NYSERnet, University of South Carolina, and EPOC Hands-on Workshop on Networking Topics, April 2022).
  46. Zurawski, Jason, Hans Addleman, "BGP and Routing Security” (virtual technical presentation, NYSERnet, University of South Carolina, and EPOC Hands-on Workshop on Networking Topics, April 2022).
  47. Zurawski, Jason, Ken Miller, “Regional Network Value: Data Mobility” (virtual technical presentation, Quilt Community Meeting, May 2022).
  48. Zurawski, Jason, "Data Mobility Panel: Operating Secure Data Architectures via the Science DMZ Model" (technical presentation, Globus World 2022, Chicago, IL, May 2022).
  49. Zurawski, Jason, "Data Mobility Exhibition: Evaluating National Data Mobility Capabilities, Shortcomings, and Opportunities" (Great Plains Network [GPN] 2022 Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO, June 2022).
  50. Zurawski, Jason, “ESnet Support of Remote Scientific Activities" (technical presentation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration [NOAA] 2022 Federal Coordination Meeting, Alaska, September 13-15, 2022).
  51. Zurawski, Jason, "Tutorial #1 – Introduction to Science DMZ" (technical presentation, 2022 National Science Foundation’s Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop and Quilt Fall Member Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 2022).
  52. Zurawski, Jason, "Tutorial #2 – Introduction to perfSONAR" (technical presentation, 2022 National Science Foundation’s Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop and Quilt Fall Member Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 2022).
  53. Zurawski, Jason, Jennifer Schopf, “Network Security Related to Science DMZ, BGP, Data Movement, Measurement and Monitoring Tools" (technical presentation, 2022 National Science Foundation’s Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop and Quilt Fall Member Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 2022).
  54. Zurawski, Jason, Jennifer Schopf, "Invited Lightning Talks: Introduction to National CI Resources to Support CC* Grants" (technical presentation, 2022 National Science Foundation’s Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop and Quilt Fall Member Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 2022).
  55. Zurawski, Jason, Kate Robinson, "400Gbps: New and Extended Science Projects Driving Larger Dedicated Bandwidth Requirements" (technical presentation, 2022 National Science Foundation’s Campus Cyberinfrastructure PI Workshop and Quilt Fall Member Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, September 2022).
  56. Zurawski, Jason, Doug Southworth, "An Interactive Workshop on NetSage for Regionals" (technical presentation, Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California [CENIC] Annual Meeting 2022, Monterey, CA, September 2022).
  57. Zurawski, Jason, "Hands-on Tutorial on BGP" (technical presentation, 2022 Internet2 Technology Exchange, Denver, CO, December 2022).


Journal Articles:

  1. Bellavita, Julian, Alex Sims, Kesheng Wu, et al. “Studying Scientific Data Lifecycle in On-demand Distributed Storage Caches.” SNTA '22: Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics (June 2022): 43-50.
  2. Dart, Eli, Ralph Kube, Randy Churchill, et al. “Near Real-Time Streaming Analysis of Big Fusion Data.” Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, No. 3 (February 2022). https://DOI:10.1088/1361-6587/ac3f42
  3. Han, Ruiz, Alex Sims, Kesheng Wu, et al. “Access Trends of In-network Caches for Scientific Data.” arXiv:2205.05563 [cs.NI] (May 2022).
  4. Kiran, Mariam. “Machine Learning Pattern Recognition Algorithm With Applications to Coherent Laser Combination.” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 58, No. 6 (September 2022): 1-9.
    doi 10.1109/JQE.2022.3204437
  5. Kiran, Mariam. “Netostat: Analyzing Dynamic Flow Patterns in High-Speed Networks.” Cluster Computing 25 (March 2022): 2915–2930.
  6. Kiran, Mariam. “Experimental Beam Combining Stabilization Using Machine Learning Trained While Phases Drift.” Optics Express 30, No. 8 (April 2022): 12639-12653
  7. Monga, Inder, and Wenji Wu. “Quantum Networks for High Energy Physics.” arXiv:2203.16979 [quant-ph] (March 2022).
  8. Monga, Inder. “Transport Control Networking Optimizing Efficiency and Control of Data Transport for data-intensive Networks.” NAI '22: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Network-Application Integration (August 2022): 60-66.
  9. Monga, Inder, Jon Dugan, Gopal Vaswani, et al. “The MyESnet Portal: Making the Network Visible.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved from (December 2022).
  10. Monga, Inder, Jason Zurawski, Dale Carder, et al.. “High Energy Physics Network Requirements Review: One-Year Update.” Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Retrieved from (December 2022).
  11. Zurawski, Jason, Jennifer Schopf, Ken Miller, et al. "EPOC Provides Personalized Technology Support for Science Communities,” The Quilt Circle, publication of Advanced Regional Networking in Support of Research and Education (January 2022): 24.



  1. Buraglio, Nick, Scott Campbell, and Miriam Kiran. 2022. Autonomous Traffic (Self-Driving) Network with Traffic Classes and Passive/Active Learning.US Patent 18/052,614, filed November 4, 2022, pending issue. 

Conference Papers:

  1. Buraglio, Nick, Chris Cummings, and Rus White. “Unintended Operational Issues With ULA” Presented at Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF114) conference, V6Ops Network Working Group, Philadelphia, PA, July 2022.
  2. Buraglio, Nick, Scott Campbell, and Mariam Kiran. “Hecate: AI Driven WAN Traffic Engineering for Science.” Presented at IEEE/ACM Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS) workshop, 2022 Supercomputing Conference (SC22), Dallas, TX, November 2022. doi:10.1109/INDIS56561.2022.00011
  3. Kiran, Mariam. “Workflow Anomaly Detection with Graph Neural Networks.” Presented at 2022 IEEE/ACM Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), Dallas, TX, November 2022.
    doi: 10.1109/WORKS56498.2022.00010
  4. Kiran, Mariam. “Autonomous Pulse Control for Quantum Transducers with Deep Reinforcement Learning.” Presented at 2022 Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) Conference, San Diego, CA, March 2022.
  5. Kiran, Mariam, Loïc Pottier, and Prasanna Balaprakash, et al. “Graph Neural Network for Anomalies Detection in Scientific Workflows.” Presented at Network Research & Infrastructure Group, ModSim 2022 Workshop on Modeling & Simulation of Systems and Applications, Seattle, WA, August 2022.
  6. Kissel, Ezra “Janus: Lightweight Container Orchestration for High-Performance Data Sharing.” Presented at Fifth International Workshop on Systems and Network Telemetry and Analytics (SNTA 2022), Minneapolis, MN, June 2022.
  7. Lehman, Tom, Xi Yang, Chin Guok, et al. "Managed Network Services for Exascale Data Movement Across Large Global Scientific Collaborations." Presented at 2022 4th Annual Workshop on Extreme-scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP), 2022 Supercomputing Conference (SC22), Dallas, TX, November 2022.
  8. Lehman, Tom, Xi Yang, Chin Guok, et al. "Integrating End-to-End Exascale SDN into the LHC Data Distribution Cyberinfrastructure." Presented at PEARC ‘22: Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing Conference, Boston, MA, July 2022.
  9. Lehman, Tom, Xi Yang, Chin Guok, et al. “FABRIC Network Service Model.” Presented at 2022 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking), Catania, Italy, June 2022.
    doi: 10.23919/IFIPNetworking55013.2022.9829810
  10. Robb, George,  Ken Miller, and Jason Zurawski. “The Engagement and Performance Operations Center: EPOC.” Invited poster, 2022 Research Infrastructure Workshop (NSF Large Scale Facilite), Boulder, CO, September 2022. 
  11. Sathyanarayana, Sandesh  and Wenji Wu. “Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Host-Based In-Band Network Telemetry for TCP.” Presented at 2022 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), Argostoli, Greece, September 2022. doi: 10.1109/GIIS56506.2022.9937001
  12. Sim, Alex, Ezra Kissel, and Chin Guok. “Deploying In-Network Caches in Support Of Distributed Scientific Data Sharing.” Presented at Snowmass 21, Seattle, WA, July 2022.


Books and Book Chapters:

  1. Mariam Kiran. “AI for Networking”, in Artificial Intelligence for Science: A Deep Learning Revolution, ed. Alok Choudhary, Geoffrey Fox, and Tony Hey (New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Company, April 24, 2023). DOI:10.1142/13123