
Andrew Lake

Andy Lake
Andrew (Andy) Lake
Software Engineer
Software Engineering Group



Journal Articles

Garhan Attebury, Marian Babik, Dale Carder, Tim Chown, Andrew Hanushevsky, Bruno Hoeft, Andrew Lake, Michael Lambert, James Letts, Shawn McKee, Karl Newell, Tristan Sullivan, “Identifying and Understanding Scientific Network Flows”, EPJ Web of Conf., May 6, 2024, 295 (202,

The High-Energy Physics (HEP) and Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) communities have faced significant challenges in understanding their global network flows across the world’s research and education (R&E) networks. This article describes the status of the work carried out to tackle this challenge by the Research Technical Networking Working Group (RNTWG) and the Scientific Network Tags (Scitags) initiative, including the evolving framework and tools, as well as our plans to improve network visibility before the next WLCG Network Data Challenge in early 2024. The Scitags initiative is a long-term effort to improve the visibility and management of network traffic for data-intensive sciences. The efforts of the RNTWG and Scitags initiatives have created a set of tools, standards, and proof-of-concept demonstrators that show the feasibility of identifying the owner (community) and purpose (activity) of network traffic anywhere in the network.

Garhan Attebury, Marian Babik, Dale Carder, Tim Chown, Andrew Hanushevsky, Bruno Hoeft, Andrew Lake, Michael Lambert, James Letts, Shawn McKee, Karl Newell, Tristan Sullivan, “Identifying and Understanding Scientific Network Flows”, 26th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2023), May 2023,

The High-Energy Physics (HEP) and Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) communities have faced significant challenges in understanding their global network flows across the world’s research and education (R&E) networks. This article describes the status of the work carried out to tackle this challenge by the Research Technical Networking Working Group (RNTWG) and the Scientific Network Tags (Scitags) initiative, including the evolving framework and tools, as well as our plans to improve network visibility before the next WLCG Network Data Challenge in early 2024. The Scitags initiative is a long-term effort to improve the visibility and management of network traffic for data-intensive sciences. The efforts of the RNTWG and Scitags initiatives have created a set of tools, standards, and proof-of-concept demonstrators that show the feasibility of identifying the owner (community) and purpose (activity) of network traffic anywhere in the network.

Conference Papers

Jason Zurawski, Sowmya Balasubramanian, Aaron Brown, Ezra Kissel, Andrew Lake, Martin Swany, Brian Tierney, Matt Zekauskas, “perfSONAR: On-board Diagnostics for Big Data”, 1st Workshop on Big Data and Science: Infrastructure and Services Co-located with IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2013 (IEEE BigData 2013), October 6, 2013,

Abhinava Sadasivarao, Sharfuddin Syed, Chris Liou, Ping Pan, Andrew Lake, Chin Guok, Inder Monga, “Open Transport Switch - A Software Defined Networking Architecture for Transport Networks”, August 17, 2013,


There have been a lot of proposals to unify the control and management of packet and circuit networks but none have been deployed widely. In this paper, we propose a sim- ple programmable architecture that abstracts a core transport node into a programmable virtual switch, that meshes well with the software-defined network paradigm while leverag- ing the OpenFlow protocol for control. A demonstration use-case of an OpenFlow-enabled optical virtual switch im- plementation managing a small optical transport network for big-data applications is described. With appropriate exten- sions to OpenFlow, we discuss how the programmability and flexibility SDN brings to packet-optical backbone networks will be substantial in solving some of the complex multi- vendor, multi-layer, multi-domain issues service providers face today. 


McKee S., Lake A., Laurens P., Severini H., Wlodek T., Wolff S., and Zurawski J., “Monitoring the US ATLAS Network Infrastructure with perfSONAR-PS”, 19th International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics (CHEP 2012), New York, NY, USA, March 2012,


Dan Doyle, Andrew Lake, Katrina Turner, How ESnet built Grafana plugins to visualize network data, GrafanaCON 2023, June 13, 2023,

In this session, Software Engineers Katrina Turner, Andy Lake, and Dan Doyle will delve into why ESnet needed these new visualizations, how they went about building them, and how others in the community can use them for their own purposes (networking and otherwise). Having recently deployed Grafana Enterprise, the team will touch on its future work, including utilizing the new authorization and team features to give ESnet users customized login and dashboard experiences on a single instance.

Abhinava Sadasivarao, Sharfuddin Syed, Ping Pan, Chris Liou, Andy Lake, Chin Guok, Inder Monga, Open Transport Switch: A Software Defined Networking Architecture for Transport Networks, Workshop, August 16, 2013,

Presentation at HotSDN Workshop as part of SIGCOMM 2013

M. Boddie, T. Entel, C. Guok, A. Lake, J. Plante, E. Pouyoul, B. H. Ramaprasad, B. Tierney, J. Triay, V. M. Vokkarane, On Extending ESnet's OSCARS with a Multi-Domain Anycast Service, IEEE ONDM 2012, December 2012,

C.Guok, E, Chaniotakis, A. Lake, OSCARS Production Deployment Experiences, GLIF NSI Operationalization Meeting, October 2012,

Andy Lake, Network Performance Monitoring and Measuring Using perfSONAR, CENIC 2012, March 2012,