Erhan Saglamyurek

Erhan Saglamyurek is a project scientist for the QUANT-NET quantum networking experiment. He started his career in quantum technologies in 2005 with a technical-assistant position in the group of Prof. A. Zeilinger (2022 Nobel Laureate) at the University of Vienna. From 2007 to 2013, he completed his PhD studies at the University of Calgary under the supervision of Prof. W. Tittel with specialization in solid-state quantum memories for long-distance quantum communication. Then, he stayed in this group as a postdoc for 2.5 years to develop telecom-wavelength light-matter interfaces for fiber-based quantum networks.
In 2015, he joined the ultracold quantum gases laboratory led by Prof. L. LeBlanc at the University of Alberta where he helped build the lab and perform quantum optics experiments with cold atoms and Bose-Einstein condensates. Between 2020 and 2022, Dr. Saglamyurek was a senior research associate with a joint appointment at the Universities of Calgary & Alberta, and he worked with the groups of Profs D. Oblak, S. Barzanjeh and L. LeBlanc on various quantum technologies.
In July 2022, he joined Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) as a project scientist. In this position, he contributes to the development of scalable and networked trapped-ion quantum processors and coordinate the realizations of quantum networking experiments between Berkeley lab and the University of California, Berkeley.