Facility Data Management Plan
ESnet Data Management Plan (DMP)
ESnet collects the following network monitoring and security data: router utilization; NetFlow (flow sampling); intrusion detection system (IDS) logs; system and application events; power utilization; and traceroute throughput, loss, and jitter monitoring via perfSONAR. Router utilization and traceroute data are publicly available. All public data can be queried via the my.es.net web portal and documented programmatic APIs.
Router Utilization and NetFlow data are stored indefinitely, and stored on reliable media (RAID disks, and replicated on the east and west coast). OSCARS virtual circuit reservation data, both current and historical, is stored on reliable media. Results from the active perfSONAR measurement probes is stored for 6 months, and on unreliable media (a single disk that is not backed up).
ESnet provides a Testbed facility that is available to researchers. It is the responsibility of individual research project to manage any data collected from their experiment. ESnet provides no guarantees that this data is backed up or managed in any way.