
Recap: ESnet at the 2nd National Research Platform Workshop

August 13, 2018

Last week, several ESnet staff members organized and participated in the second annual National Research Platform (NRP)  workshop. Held August 6-7, 2018, at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana, the workshop brought together representatives from more than 100 key institutions that are working to create a nationwide science data network.

Co-sponsored by a National Science Foundation (NSF) award to the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2) at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), CENIC, ESnet and Internet2 and hosted by Montana State University, the workshop was designed to identify best strategies for enabling high-performance data transfer via interoperable Science DMZs and data transfer nodes at a national scale.

Read more about ESnet's NRP contribution


Left to right: Workshop Co-chairs Larry Smarr (UCSD/CALIT2), Inder Monga (ESnet), and Ana Hunsinger (Internet2) (not in picture) give opening comments at the NRP workshop. (Photo: Jeffery Weekly, UC Merced)

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ESnet Director Inder Monga participates in a panel discussion titled, "Scaling Across the NRP Ecosystem From Campus to Regional to National - What Support Is There?" (Photo: Glenn Ricart , US Ignite)

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ESnet's Eli Dart gave a keynote talk titled, "A Modern Cyberinfrastructure: The Ladder to the Shoulders of Giants." (Photo: Glenn Ricart , US Ignite)

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ESnet's Kate Petersen Mace chairs a panel discussion about international-scale measurement technologies/ techniques. (Photo: Glenn Ricart , US Ignite)

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Second annual NRP workshop at Montana State University. (Photo:Glenn Ricart , US Ignite)

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Left to right: Workshop Co-chairs Ana Hunsinger (Internet2), Inder Monga (ESnet), and Larry Smarr (UCSD/ calit2) get feedback from attendees at the closing of the NRP workshop. (Photo: Glenn Ricart , US Ignite)