
Webinar: Using Globus Online for ESnet Users

August 29, 2012

Staff from ESnet, DOE’s high-speed science network, and Globus, a fast, reliable file transfer service, will offer a free webinar on how ESnet users can more easily transfer data. The free webinar will be held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12 (Pacific time). To register, go to

ESnet, formally known as the Energy Sciences Network, is working with the various experimental and computing facilities, science communities and collaborations it connects to help optimize their science data transfers and resolve data mobility issues. One of its most successful strategies is the “Science DMZ” model, a network design which helps ESnet-connected sites optimize local network resources to offer the highest levels of performance for science data transfers.

One of the key Science DMZ components includes a Data Transfer Node (DTN) running software that is designed for efficient, reliable data transfers. Globus Online is a robust, high-performance data transfer tool that is ideal for deployment on a DTN in a Science DMZ, and is currently ESnet’s top recommended tool for wide-area network file transfers. This webinar will provide an overview of a Science DMZ, and a demonstration of the most frequently used Globus Online features, tips & tricks, and Q&A for integrating these tools into the scientific workflow.

The presenters will be  Brian Tierney, leader of ESnet’s Advanced Network Technologies Group, and Steve Tuecke, Globus Online Project Lead  and Deputy Director of the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory.