CI Engineering Lunch & Learn Series
Designing, building, and maintaining advanced cyberinfrastructure to support scientific use cases can be challenging. There are numerous items to learn about, and the learning can be never ending. As a community, it is important for all of us to be available to answer questions, propose new ideas, and build upon our collective knowledge.
Starting in 2017 ESnet, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, began sponsoring semi-weekly talks on engineering and engagement topics. These CI Engineering Lunch & Learn talks are held on Friday afternoons @ 2:00pm ET using the following Zoom number:
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Talk announcements are made weekly on the following mailing list, sign up is moderated but all are welcome to join. Visit this link, and then click "Ask to join group":
Upcoming Talks
The following is a list of upcoming talks:
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Talk Topic |
April 25th, 2025 | Phil Reese, Stanford (Retired) | Step by step- perfSONAR Testpoint to data in Archive and on a Grafana grid |
May 2nd, 2025 | None Scheduled | None Scheduled |
May 16th, 2025 | perfSONAR Developers | perfSONAR Office Hours |
Beyond May 16th, 2025 | None Scheduled | None Scheduled |
The most up to date schedule can be found here:
Previous Talks
All previous talks (slides and recordings) can be found here:
2017 - 2025 talks are also posted to youtube:
2025 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/10/2025 | Andrew Gallo/GWU | “PTP perfSONAR – New Friends?” | GDrive | YouTube |
1/17/2025 | Nik Sultana/IIT | "Network Profiling in a Federated Research Testbed" | GDrive | YouTube |
1/24/25 | Michael Sinatra/ESnet | "Understanding (and using) Segment Routing in R&E Networking (basically, a tutorial)" | GDrive | YouTube |
1/31/25 | Michael Sinatra/ESnet | "The Path Taken 10% of the Time, aka Stupid Segment Routing Tricks (Extended Dance Remix)" | GDrive | YouTube |
2/7/2025 | Vardan Gyurjyan/JLab | “EJFAT for Nuclear Physics Data Processing: High-Throughput Real-Time Data-Stream Orchestration for a Distributed Workflow Spanning Multiple Facilities at Continental Scale” | GDrive | YouTube |
1/14/2025 | perfSONAR Development Team | “perfSONAR Office Hours” | YouTube | |
2/21/2025 | SCinet WAN Team | “SC24 WAN Architecture Overview” | GDrive | YouTube |
2/28/2025 | Jeronimo Bezerra/FIU & AmLight | “AmLight network monitoring framework" | GDrive | YouTube |
4/25/2025 | Phil Reese / Stanford (Retired) | "Step by step- perfSONAR Testpoint to data in Archive and on a Grafana grid" | GDrive | YouTube |
5/16/2025 | perfSONAR Development Team | “perfSONAR Office Hours” | GDrive | YouTube |
2024 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/12/2024 | Brenna Meade, IU | SC23 & SC24 WINS Program | GDrive | YouTube |
2/2/2024 | Brian Bockelman, UWisc | Pelican: Advancing Science by Delivering Data | GDrive | YouTube |
2/9/2024 | Jennifer Schopf, TACC | EPOC Support for CC* | GDrive | YouTube |
2/16/2024 | perfSONAR Development Team | perfSONAR Office Hours | GDrive | YouTube |
2/23/2024 | Kate Keahey, ANL | Chameleon | GDrive | YouTube |
3/1/2024 | Wendy Huntoon, AIHEC | 2024 CC* Program | GDrive | YouTube |
3/8/2024 | Curt Dodds, UH | Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, All the Time - Democratizing Astronomy Big Data | GDrive | YouTube |
4/5/2024 | Michael Benedetto, AMNH | The Continuing Evolution of Research Campus Infrastructure at the American Museum of Natural History | GDrive | YouTube |
4/12/2024 | Kobus Van der Merwe, Utah | POWDER Testbed | GDrive | YouTube |
4/19/2024 | Jose Gomez, Jorge Crichigno, Univ of South Carolina | Improving TCP Fairness in Non-programmable Networks using P4-programmable Data Planes | GDrive | YouTube |
4/26/2024 | perfSONAR Development Team | perfSONAR 5.1.0 | GDrive | YouTube |
5/3/2024 | perfSONAR Development Team | perfSONAR Office Hours | Not Recorded | Not Recorded |
5/10/2024 | Chris Rapier/PSC | HPN-SSH | GDrive | YouTube |
5/17/2024 | Ed Balas, ESnet | MetraNova | GDrive | YouTube |
5/24/2024 | Ed Colone, UMich & TBD, VT | Layer 2 connectivity tools for WiFi Monitoring | GDrive | YouTube |
5/31/2024 | James Harr, Internet2 | IPv6 Test Pod | GDrive | YouTube |
6/14/2024 | Dhabaleswar Panda/Ohio State |
Creating Intelligent Cyberinfrastructure for Democratizing AI: Overview of the Activities at the NSF-AI Institute ICICLE |
GDrive | YouTube |
7/12/2024 | Ali Mazloum and Jorge Crichigno/University of South Carolina | Enhancing perfSONAR Measurement Capabilities using P4 Programmable Switches and Adaptive Sampling | GDrive | YouTube |
8/2/2024 | Ed Colone, Dianlu He, Yu Wang/University of Michigan | Improvements in WiFi monitoring using pSSID and perfSONAR | GDrive | YouTube |
8/9/2024 | perfSONAR Development Team | perfSONAR Office Hours | GDrive | YouTube |
9/20/2024 | Doug Southworth & Brian Tierney, TACC | NetSage Visualization of Globus Transfers | GDrive | YouTube |
10/11/2024 | Brian Tierney & Marcos Schwarz / ESnet & RNP | Recent Linux Improvements that Impact TCP Throughput: Insights from R&E Networks | GDrive | YouTube |
11/8/2024 | perfSONAR Development Team | perfSONAR Office Hours | GDrive | YouTube |
2023 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/6/2023 | Kevin Thompson, NSF | 2023 NSF CC* Program | GDrive | YouTube |
1/13/2023 | Marla Meehl, NCAR/UCAR | SC22 & SC23 WINS Program | GDrive | YouTube |
1/27/2023 | Steve Wallace, Internet2 | Routing Integrity | GDrive | YouTube |
2/17/2023 | Ed Balas / Andy Lake, ESnet | Stardust: Latest Developments on ESnet’s Measurement and Analysis Platform | GDrive | YouTube |
3/10/2023 | Petya Vasileva / Shawn McKee, UMich | Tools and methods for tracking network issues based on perfSONAR datasets | GDrive | YouTube |
3/17/2023 | Michael Smitasin, LBL | Network Tapping for Zeek: A Deep Dive | GDrive | YouTube |
3/24/2023 | SCinet Team | SC22 SCinet Debrief and Plans for SC23 | GDrive | YouTube |
3/31/2023 | perfSONAR Dev Team | perfSONAR 5.0 | GDrive | YouTube |
4/21/2023 | Jeronimo Bezerra, FIU | Microburst Detection - Part 1 | GDrive | YouTube |
6/30/2023 | Tim Chown, JISC | Jumbo frames - the elephant in the room? | GDrive | YouTube |
7/7/2023 | Jeronimo Bezerra, FIU | Microburst Detection - Part 2 | GDrive | YouTube |
7/14/2023 | M. Kiran/ORNL, C. Wang/RENCI, I. Mahmud/LBL, and G. Papadimitriou/ISI | Studying TCP Fairness in Large Transfers over High Throughput Links | GDrive | YouTube |
7/17/2023 | Jennifer Schopf, TACC |
2023 CC* Overview |
GDrive | YouTube |
2022 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/21/2022 | Mariam Kiran, Nick Buraglio & Scott Campbell from ESnet | Data driven, machine learning dynamic path optimization | GDrive | YouTube |
1/28/2022 | Tom Costello from ANL | Campus Network Monitoring with perfSONAR on Raspberry Pis & NX-OS Docker Containers | GDrive | YouTube |
2/25/2022 | Jeronimo Bezerra from Florida International University | Autonomic Networking Architecture (ANA) leveraging INT and observational learning |
GDrive | YouTube |
3/18/2022 | Jeronimo Bezerra from Florida International University | NSF AmLight-INT award | GDrive | YouTube |
4/1/2022 | Garhan Attebury from University of Nebraska Lincoln | A Full Stack View of a Jupyter and Kubernetes-based Analysis Facility | GDrive | YouTube |
4/15/2022 | Jorge Crichigno & Elie Kfoury from University of South Carolina | P4Tune: Enabling Programmability in a Non-Programmable Network | GDrive | YouTube |
4/22/2022 | Kevin Thompson from the NSF | NSF Campus Cyberinfrastructure (CC*) | GDrive | YouTube |
5/13/2022 | Andrew Wiedlea from ESnet | ESnet, the wireless edge and practical lessons (so far) in developing services | GDrive | YouTube |
5/27/2022 | Marcos Schwarz from RNP | Using Kata Containers to bring new Linux networking features to production DTNs | GDrive | YouTube |
6/10/2022 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan from University of Chicago & Globus | Automated migration from GCSv4 to v5 | GDrive | YouTube |
6/24/2022 | Otto Wittner from Sikt (Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research) | Microdep monitoring projectWiFi | GDrive | YouTube |
7/22/2022 | Ed Colone & Interns from Univ of Michigan | Monitoring WiFi Metrics with pSSID and perfSONAR 5.0 | GDrive | YouTube |
8/5/2022 | Ken Miller from ESnet | Performant Data Mobility: Semester Readiness | GDrive | YouTube |
8/12/2022 | Michael Sinatra from ESnet | When the IETF mixes Spaghetti-Os with Alphabet Soup: How to make sense of DoH, DoT, and DoQ and their implications for Cyberinfrastructure and information security | GDrive | YouTube |
12/15/2022 | Jen Schopf from TACC | 2023 CC* Program Overview | GDrive | YouTube |
2021 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/8/2021 | Brian Tierney / ESnet | BBR TCP v2 Testing @ ESnet | GDrive | YouTube |
1/15/2021 | Jen Schopf / IU International Networks & EPOC | EPOC Support of the NSF CC* Program | GDrive | YouTube |
1/22/2021 | Jeronimo Bezerra / FIU & AMPATH | In-band Network Telemetry @ AmLight: Lessons Learned after 2 years | GDrive | YouTube |
2/12/2021 | A.J. Ragusa / Indiana University Global NOC | OESS - A decade of SDN | GDrive | YouTube |
2/19/2021 | Jorge Crichigno & Eli Kfoury / University of South Carolina | Virtual Labs for Training, Teaching, and Research on Networks and Cybersecurity Topics | GDrive | |
2/26/2021 | Francisco Javier Moreno Arana – former colaborator at NIC Mexico, the National Internet Registry in Mexico | FORT - Routing Security for a Free and Open Internet | GDrive | YouTube |
3/12/2021 | David Ediger / Georgia Tech Research Institute | Adventures in Low-Cost Video Distribution: Lessons from SCinet Measurement Displays | GDrive | YouTube |
3/26/2021 | Eli Kfoury, Jose Gomez, & Jorge Crichigno / University of South Carolina | Performance Evaluation of TCP BBRv2 Alpha for Wired Broadband, considering Buffer Sizes, Packet Loss Rates, RTTs, and Number of Flows | GDrive | YouTube |
4/9/2021 | Greg Veldman / Purdue University | All about Identity and Access Management on SCinet: Enterprise IAM on a Shoestring Budget | GDrive | YouTube |
4/15/2021 |
Md Abdul Awal / NSRC, Aftab Siddiqui / Internet Society, & Philip Smith / NSRC |
Global BCP for Routing Policy and Security | GDrive | YouTube |
4/23/2021 | Antoine Delvaux / PSNC, GEANT, & perfSONAR | Outcomes of European perfSONAR User Meeting | GDrive | YouTube |
4/30/2021 | Mark Feit / Internet2 & perfSONAR | pScheduler’s design and innards | GDrive | YouTube |
5/14/2021 | Sowmya Balasubramanian / ESnet & perfSONAR | perfSONAR Lookup Service: Moving to Elasticsearch and beyond | GDrive | YouTube |
6/4/2021 | Claudio Allocchio & Fabio Farina / GARR/GÉANT Project | timemap: measuring latency and jitter on GEANT backbone (and beyond) | GDrive | YouTube |
6/11/2021 | Jem Aizen Guhit / University of Michigan | NetBASILISK | GDrive | YouTube |
6/18/2021 | Julio Alvarado Negron / UCF & George Robb / ESnet, EPOC | The Arecibo Observatory: Disaster, Recovery and What Comes Next | GDrive | YouTube |
7/23/2021 | Ali Alrubaiee, Alyssa Bigley, Ed Colone, Samuel Cummins, Mark Feit, Maxwell Li, Yihua Shen, Frank Wang, Daniel Zhang, and Jing Zhang / University of Michigan | Developing perfSONAR plugins with pScheduler's Plugin Development Kit | GDrive | YouTube |
7/30/2021 | Daniel Zhang, Ali Alrubaiee, Alyssa Bigley, Ed Colone, Samuel Cummins, Mark Feit, Maxwell Li, Yihua Shen, Frank Wang, and Jing Zhang / University of Michigan | perfSONAR's new Test and Tool plugins: BSSID scanner, 802.1X, DHCP, Speedtest, pScheduler internals, MTU tester, port mapper, Halfping (latency), and Latency in the cloud: OWAMP & NATs | GDrive | YouTube |
8/16/2021 | Phil Hippensteel / The Pennsylvania State University | The Video Industry and the Struggle with Standards | GDrive | YouTube |
10/1/2021 | Prasad Calyam, Songjie Wang, & Roshan Neupane from the University of Missouri | Online Learning Platform for Application-Inspired Cloud and DevOps Curriculum | GDrive | YouTube |
10/8/2021 | Brenna Meade & Ed Moynihan from International Networks at Indiana University | Investigating, troubleshooting, and improving performance with NetSage and the GNA-G Routing WG | GDrive | YouTube |
10/15/2021 | Doug Southworth from International Networks at Indiana University | NetSage: Flexible Monitoring Framework for Multiple Applications | GDrive | YouTube |
10/22/2021 | Andrew Lake, Sowmya Balasubramanian, & Ed Balas from ESnet | Stardust: ESnet’s Next-Generation Measurement Platform | GDrive | YouTube |
10/29/2021 | Charles Shiflett from ESnet | EScp | GDrive | YouTube |
11/12/2021 | Ken Miller & George Robb / ESnet | Data Movement Exhibition Update | GDrive | YouTube |
12/3/2021 | Brenna Meade from International Networks at Indiana University | SC21 WAN Design | GDrive | YouTube |
12/10/2021 | Scott Kohlert from Ciena | Advances in Subsea Communications | GDrive | YouTube |
12/17/2021 | Hans Addleman from International Networks at Indiana University | EPOC: Roadside Assistance | GDrive | YouTube |
2020 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/17/2020 | Anita Nikolich / Illinois Institute of Technology | What is FABRIC? | GDrive | YouTube |
2/21/2020 | Hyojoon Kim / Princeton University | Princeton P4 Campus: Building and Running Novel Campus Network Applications | GDrive | YouTube |
2/28/2020 |
Jorge Crichigno & Elie Kfoury / University of South Carolina |
Offloading Media Traffic to P4 Programmable Data Plane Switches | GDrive | YouTube |
3/6/2020 |
Rick Wagner / Globus |
Automating Research Data Workflows with Globus | GDrive | YouTube |
3/20/2020 |
Math Mathis / Google |
BBR and the evolution of transport protocols | GDrive | YouTube |
3/27/2020 |
David Teach / Univ of Oregon |
Route Views | GDrive | YouTube |
4/3/2020 |
Jason Zurawski / ESnet & EPOC |
Data Movement Exhibition Update | GDrive | YouTube |
4/10/2020 |
Eric Boyd / Univ of Michigan |
NetBasilisk @ The University of Michigan | GDrive | YouTube |
4/17/2020 |
Nick Buraglio / ESnet |
ESnetIPv6 management network deployment | GDrive | YouTube |
5/1/2020 |
Eli Dart & Hans Addleman / IU, ESnet, & EPOC |
Network Strategy to Enable Data Intensive Science | GDrive | YouTube |
5/4-6/2020 |
Training Workshop for Educators and Network Engineers on High Speed Network Protocols and Security |
YouTube | ||
5/14/2020 |
Brad Cowie / University of Waikato |
FAUCET | GDrive | YouTube |
6/5/2020 |
Peter Boothe / Google & MLab |
NDT | GDrive | YouTube |
6/12/2020 |
Fatema Bannat Wala / ESnet |
Zeek And Ye Shall Find!- A Zeek Primer | GDrive | YouTube |
6/26/2020 |
Andrew Gallo / GWU & Lenny Giuliano / Juniper |
Automatic Multicast Tunneling (AMT) | GDrive | YouTube |
7/10/2020 |
Pete Siemsen /NCAR & FRGP |
BCP38 | GDrive | YouTube |
7/17/2020 |
Fatema Bannat Wala / ESnet |
KYD - Know Your Devices, a Method for Profiling Devices Using DHCP and Zeek | GDrive | YouTube |
7/24/2020 |
Nathan Shepherd, Abigail Fox, and Edward Colone / Univ of Michigan |
perfSONAR Deployment technologies (Small nodes and Embedded Systems) | GDrive | YouTube |
7/31/2020 |
Ali Alrubaiee, Brendan Kailukaitis, Charles Beach, Ian Thompson, Iffat Saiyara, Konstantin Kovalchuk, and Edward Colone / Univ of Michigan |
Performance monitoring WiFi with perfSONAR | GDrive | YouTube |
8/7/2020 |
Michael Lambert / PSC |
Peering DB & IRR | GDrive | YouTube |
8/13/2020 |
Jason Zurawski/ESnet |
Quilt Webinar: Identifying Campus Infrastructure Needs | GDrive | YouTube |
8/14/2020 |
Ken Miller / ESnet |
Data Movement Exhibition Update | GDrive | YouTube |
8/21/2020 | Alan Whinery / University of Hawaii | The IPv6 Only Network: How To Simplify Your Life By Turning Off IPv4 | GDrive | YouTube |
8/28/2020 | George Robb & Charles Shiflett / ESnet | DTN Design Patterns | GDrive | YouTube |
9/11/2020 | Michael Sinatra / ESnet | MANRS | GDrive | YouTube |
9/25/2020 | Jen Schopf / IU International Networks | NetSage Now | GDrive | YouTube |
10/2/2020 | Edward Colone / Univ of Michigan & perfSONAR | Mobile perfSONAR nodes best practices | GDrive | YouTube |
10/16/2020 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan / University of Chicago & Globus | Globus Connect Server v5: An Enhanced Experience for User and Admin Alike! | GDrive | YouTube |
10/23/2020 | Michael Smitasin & Jay Krous / LBNL | Cloudflare Reverse Proxy | GDrive | |
11/6/2020 | Edward Colone / Univ of Michigan & perfSONAR | Provisioning perfSONAR with Ansible | GDrive | |
12/4/2020 | Jeffry Handal / Cisco | Evolving IP to Solve Problems | GDrive |
2019 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
3/29/2019 | Jason Zurawski / ESnet | Overview of the Engagement and Performance Operations Center (EPOC) | GDrive | YouTube |
3/29/2019 | Chuck Benson / Univ Washington | IoT Systems risk mitigation | GDrive | YouTube |
4/12/2019 | Frank Wuerthwein / UCSC & OSG | Supporting Science via the Open Science Grid (OSG) | GDrive | YouTube |
4/19/2019 | Edward Colone / Univ Michigan & perfSONAR | perfSONAR automations | GDrive | YouTube |
4/26/2019 | Michael Johnson / Indiana Univ & perfSONAR | PWA | GDrive | YouTube |
5/3/2019 | Hans Addleman / Indiana Univ & SCinet | SC19 SCinet WAN | GDrive | YouTube |
5/10/2019 | Garhan Attebury / Univ Nebraska | UNLHCC Data Center Upgrades | GDrive | YouTube |
5/17/2019 | Rachana Ananthakrishnan / Univ of Chicago & Globus | Globus Protected Data | GDrive | YouTube |
5/24/2019 | Thomas DeFanti / UCSD & SDSC | Pacific Research Platform | GDrive | YouTube |
5/31/2019 | Douglas Jennewein / Univ of South Dakota | XSEDECampus Champions | GDrive | YouTube |
6/7/2019 | Joseph White / Univ of Buffalo | XDMoD | GDrive | YouTube |
6/14/2019 | Von Welch & Susan Sons / Indiana Univ | TrustedCI & ResearchSOC | GDrive | YouTube |
6/28/2019 | Dori Sajdak/Univ of Buffalo | ColdFront | GDrive | YouTube |
7/12/2019 | Shawn Campbell/Malone Univ | Virtual vs. Physical DTNs | GDrive | YouTube |
7/26/2019 | Julie Ma/MGHPCC | | GDrive | YouTube |
8/9/2019 | Wallace Chase/REANNZ | REANNZ | GDrive | YouTube |
8/16/2019 | Nick Buraglio/ESnet | Automation, Orchestration, SDN, Technical Debt | GDrive | YouTube |
8/23/2019 | Jennifer Schopf/IU International Networks | NetSage | GDrive | YouTube |
8/30/2019 | Jason Zurawski/ESnet | CC* Data Movement Workshop and Exhibition | GDrive | YouTube |
9/13/2019 | William Deigaard / Texas A&M | Batfish Experience at TAMU, so far... | GDrive | YouTube |
10/4/2019 | Kevin Thompson / NSF | CC* Program Update | GDrive | YouTube |
10/11/2019 | Klara Nahrstedt / UIUC | Campus-Specific Cyber-Infrastructure Challenges and Solutions for Scientific Instruments, and their Workflows and Lab Environments | GDrive | YouTube |
10/18/2019 | Jeronimo Bezerra / FIU & AMPATH | AmLight-INT Project | GDrive | YouTube |
2018 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
1/5/2018 | Kevin Thompson / NSF | CC* Overview | GDrive | YouTube |
1/12/2018 | SCinet | SCinet Architecture | GDrive | YouTube |
1/19/2018 | Grace Wilson Caudill / University of New Hampshire & NorthEast Big Data Innovation Hub (NE BDIH) | Security in Trusted Research Systems and Spaces (SiTRSS)" (pronounced ‘Citrus’) | GDrive | YouTube |
1/26/2018 | Michael Sinatra / ESnet | Intro to Crypto | GDrive |
YouTube |
2/16/2018 | Eli Dart / ESnet | Petascale DTNs / ICNWG | GDrive | YouTube |
2/23/2018 | UCAR/KINBER/ESnet | WINS Program | GDrive | YouTube |
3/9/2018 | Jeff Mitchell / Lukas, LaFuria, Gutierrez, and Sachs LLP | Net Neutrality Briefing | GDrive | YouTube |
3/16/2018 | Derek Weitzel / Univ of Nebraska | StashCache | GDrive | YouTube |
3/23/2018 | Steve Lovaas / Colorado State Univ | Our CUI approach, as part of a general high-assurance security topology | GDrive | YouTube |
3/30/2018 | Jorge Crichigno / Univ of South Carolina | CC* Experience + Research Projects | GDrive | YouTube |
4/13/2018 | Steven Wallace / Indiana Univ. | Micro DMZs | GDrive | YouTube |
4/27/2018 | ESnet Infrastructure, Routing, Security | Configuration Management | GDrive | YouTube |
5/4/2018 | Prasad Calyam / Univ of Missouri | Cyber and Software Automation for Neuroscience Community: Needs in Research and Training | GDrive | YouTube |
6/15/2018 | Pete Siemsen / NCAR | implementation of BCP38 | GDrive | YouTube |
6/22/2018 | Andy Lake / ESnet | pSConfig (the meshconfig replacement in perfSONAR 4.1) | GDrive | YouTube |
8/3/2018 | Gregory Schueren | TCP Snitch | GDrive | YouTube |
8/24/2018 | Azael Fernandez Alcantara / UNAM | Mexican / Latin American NREN | GDrive | YouTube |
9/14/2018 | Scott Hogg / GTRI | AWS Security | GDrive | YouTube |
9/21/2018 | Azher Mughal / USC | 100G Experiences @ USC | GDrive | YouTube |
9/28/2018 | Mariam Kiran / ESnet | Enabling intents for networks | GDrive | YouTube |
10/12/2018 | Antoine Delvaux & Szymon Trocha / perfSONAR | TWAMP | GDrive | YouTube |
2017 Talks
Date | Speaker / Affiliation | Topic | Recording Link | YouTube Link |
6/2/2017 | Hunter Fuller / University of Alabama Huntsville | Campus Security Architecture | GDrive | YouTube |
6/23/2017 | Steve Bogol / University of Notre Dame | Science DMZ and Data Center Architecture | GDrive | YouTube |
6/30/2017 | Scott Valcourt & Doug Green / University of New Hampshire | Small School DMZ & Collaboration Lessons Learned | GDrive | YouTube |
7/7/2017 | Ken Miller / The Pennsylvania State University | Science DMZ Implementation, Policy, and Sustainability | GDrive | YouTube |
7/14/2017 | Jeff Weekley / The University of California at Merced | WAVE Scientific Visualization | GDrive | YouTube |
7/21/2017 | Jerry Sheehan / Montana State University | Science DMZ Implementation and Operation | GDrive | YouTube |
7/28/2017 | Jay Krous & Aashish Sharma / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Security @ 100G | GDrive | YouTube |
8/4/2017 | Jim Warner / The University of California at Santa Cruz | Switches, Buffers, and Buffer Monitoring | GDrive | YouTube |
8/18/2017 | Cody Smith / OARnet | Statewide perfSONAR | GDrive | YouTube |
8/25/2017 | Hans Kuhn & Hervey Allen / Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) @ University of Oregon | Operations and overview of NSRC | GDrive | YouTube |
9/8/2017 | Neil McKee & Ken Miller / SCinet DevOps | Netflow/Inmon | GDrive | YouTube |
9/15/2017 | University of Virginia | Readonly Root Environment for Scientific Computing | GDrive | YouTube |
9/22/2017 | Andy Lake / ESnet & perfSONAR | perfSONAR 4.1 | GDrive | YouTube |
9/29/2017 | Alan Whinery / University of Hawaii | Where packets go | GDrive | YouTube |
10/13/2017 | Greg Veldman & Paul Anderson / SCinet DevOps | Puppet on SCinet Resources | GDrive | YouTube |
10/20/2017 | Matt Mathis / Google | BBR | GDrive | YouTube |
10/27/2017 | Vas Vasiliadis / Univ of Chicago & Globus | Instrument Automation/Data Management Plan Support | GDrive | YouTube |
11/3/2017 | Elliot Fenech / The University of Utah | Utah Student CI PRogram | GDrive | YouTube |
12/1/2017 | Alan Sutter, Jonathan Miller, Carrie Rampp, Jason Brooks / Franklin and Marshall College | Science DMZ @ Small Schools | GDrive | YouTube |
12/8/2017 | Christopher Tengi & Hyojoon Kim / Princeton University | Software Defined Border Router | GDrive | YouTube |
Affiliated Training Materials
The R&E community produces lots of informative and educational content that is worth subscribing too, particularly to share with new colleagues looking for education on emerging or existing technology.
- The Network Startup Resource Center (NSRC) maintains a rich set of materials on their Website, and their YouTube channel. Materials span the basics like BGP, to emerging work on MANRS, perfSONAR, and other advanced CI topics.
- TrustedCI, the NSF Cybersecurity Center of Excellence, publishes printed materials on their Website, along with presentations on their YouTube channel.
- The perfSONAR project makes many training materials available via their YouTube channel.