
ESnet News

ESnet Veteran Joe Metzger Retires, Having Helped Build ESnet3 through ESnet6

June 25, 2024

Metzger's 27 years encompasses ESnet’s expansion across the Atlantic, into Europe, and its evolution from a fast and reliable network services provider to the innovative, multifaceted global research & education leader it is today.   Read More

DIII-D National Fusion Facility, NERSC, AMCR, and ESnet Collaboration Speeds Nuclear Fusion Research

May 29, 2024

This "Superfacility" collaboration brings together high-performance computing at NERSC, DOE’s high-speed data network (ESnet), AMCR’s performance optimization capabilities, and DIII-D’s rich diagnostic suite to enable near-real-time analysis of massive quantities of important data during fusion experiments, allowing tailoring of the experimental process — and accelerating the pace of discovery.   Read More

ESnet to Open New Office in Indiana

May 17, 2024

The lease has been signed to establish a new office for ESnet in Bloomington's Trades District, with space for a few other Berkeley Lab employees.   Read More

ESnet Unveils Core Values

May 6, 2024

ESnet's values represent more than a year of careful work by ESnet’s all-volunteer Values Committee, engagement across the entire organization, and input from ESnet’s leadership. This process was informed by Berkeley Lab’s core values, and the end result is remarkably aligned in spirit.  Read More

Collaboration Fuels High-Speed Data-Intensive Research to Understand How Nuclei Decay

March 18, 2024

Using ESnet, scientists at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams were able to send terabytes of data across the country, analyze it in real time using NERSC’s Perlmutter supercomputer time, and return results that enabled quicker, data-informed experimental choices.   Read More

CANARIE, ESnet, GÉANT, and Internet2 Unveil Highest Capacity Transoceanic Connectivity for Research and Education

March 17, 2024

The Advanced North Atlantic (ANA) collaboration has added three 400-Gbps spectrum circuits between exchange points in the U.S., U.K., and France, boosting ANA's combined trans-Atlantic network capacity to 2.4 Tbps.   Read More

New Consortium MetrANOVA to Create a Measurement and Analysis Toolbox for Research and Education Networks Worldwide

February 27, 2024

Leading research and education (R&E) networking organizations Energy Sciences Network (ESnet), GÉANT, GlobalNOC at Indiana University, Internet2, and Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) have joined forces to form MetrANOVA, a consortium for Advancing Network Observation, Visualization, and Analysis. MetrANOVA’s goal is to develop and disseminate common network measurement and analysis tools, tactics, and techniques that can be applied throughout the global R&E community.  Read More

ESnet’s OSCARS Software Automation System Gets Major Upgrade to Meet Future Complex Data Challenges

February 9, 2024

The software automation system OSCARS, one of the key innovations powering ESnet’s high-speed network for Department of Energy–funded scientific research, has just gotten a major update: OSCARS 1.1, which is designed to take advantage of the capabilities offered by ESnet6, the latest iteration of the network.   Read More

ESnet Announces First Trans-Atlantic Subsea Spectrum Agreement

February 6, 2024

ESnet has signed a long-term lease agreement with Aqua Comms for 25% of a fiber pair linking New York, Dublin, and London — ESnet's first trans-Atlantic spectrum acquisition.  Read More

ESnet Releases New Version of iperf, Network Performance Measurement Tool

January 3, 2024

In late November, ESnet released iperf-3.16, a significant new version of the open-source network performance measurement tool iperf3. Part of perfSONAR, iperf3 can also be used as a stand-alone tool for measuring network performance in general. The new version gives better insights into high-speed network behaviors.  Read More