
ESnet News

100 Gbps Test Link Sets Pace for Faster Trans-Atlantic Data Transfers

April 4, 2014

Data transfers from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland to sites in the U.S. have historically taken different paths – 15 in all – via 10 gigabit per second (Gbps) links separately managed by three research networks in the U.S. and Europe. So what would happen if those massive datasets were instead transferred using a single 100 Gbps connection?  That was the thinking behind an…  Read More

ESnet Staff to Present at Internet2's 2014 Global Summit

April 3, 2014

About 800 networking experts from across the country and around the world are meeting April 6-11in Denver for Internet2’s annual “Global Summit,” a weeklong series of presentations, discussions and meetings aimed at improving the performance of research and education networks. The name of the conference, formerly the Internet2 Members Meeting, was chosen to reflect the increasingly…  Read More

Democratizing Science With High Speed Networks

March 17, 2014

For the first time, data collected and analyzed by a very remote user of National Center for Electron Microcopy (NCEM) via the Energy Sciences Network (ESnet) has been published. As a result, many scientists are optimistic about the future of remote microscopy for DOE supported science.   Read More

Deployments of Network Monitoring Software perfSONAR Hit 1,000

January 27, 2014

In January 2014, perfSONAR reached a milestone with 1,000 instances of the diagnostic software installed on networking hosts around the U.S. and in 13 other countries. perfSONAR is a joint effort between the ESnet, Fermilab and SLAC; and Georgia Tech, Indiana University, Internet2 and the University of Delaware.   Read More